Post by Scott KostyshakPost by Enrico ForestieriThat said, SumatraPDF is far superior to Adobe Reader when used as
a viewer for documents produced by LaTeX, because a document gets
autoreloaded on change and forward/reverse search is supported.
I didn't know this either. I thought it was just more simple and humble.
I don't think it is so simple and humble. It has all you need for
previewing a document and, if you need doing something fancy that
it does not support, there is a menu option for opening the pdf
in Adobe Reader.
Post by Scott KostyshakIn this case, and I'm not convinced myself that we should do this, but
What about bundling SumatraPDF (only in the Bundle installer) and
optionally installing it?
There is nothing to install. The stand-alone version is simply an
executable that you can drop everywhere in your PATH and you are done.
I think that in this case it doesn't even write in the registry and
the preferences are stored in a text file placed alongside the exe.
Post by Scott KostyshakThe stand-alone is 2.7 MB so this would
increase the bundle size from 200 MB to 203MB. Apparently we already
bundle eLyXer and JabRef.
This way, forward/reverse search would work out of the box and we
would have fewer "why does LyX crash when I view a PDF?" questions.
It would suffice placing the executable in a directory under the LyX
directory tree that is already in the PATH prefix. If LyX is installed
in the Windows programs folder, every time a user changes preferences,
due to a sort of virtualization, the preferences file gets written
somewhere else but it would always appear at that same location.
In this way, different users can see different preferences by reading
the (seemingly) same file. It seems that they have write permissions
to the program folder, but it is really not so.
An initial preferences file containing the InverseSearchCmdLine could
be provided and a corresponding batch file placed alongside the exe.
For example, given the following setting in the SumatraPDF prefs:
InverseSearchCmdLine = lyxeditorwin %f %l
the batch file would be the following one:
$ cat lyxeditorwin.bat
@echo off
set file=%1
set row=%2
echo LYXCMD:revdvi:server-goto-file-row:%file% %row%> \\.\pipe\
type \\.\pipe\lyxpipe.out > nul
and it would require setting the correct lyxpipe in lyxrc.dist:
\serverpipe "\\.\pipe\lyxpipe"
Post by Scott KostyshakEnrico, can you confirm that SumatraPDF is the correct name of the
binary to search for in configure?
Yes, it is.