Prannoy Pilligundla
2014-04-28 08:33:07 UTC
Hi Everyone,
I am Prannoy Pilligundla, a second year undergrad from India. I will be
working on Roundtrip Conversion from Lyx to ODT throughout the Summer as a
part of Google Summer of Code 2014. First of all I want to thank the
community for keeping faith in my abilities and selecting my proposal, I
will definitely put in my best efforts to complete this project. Also
Congratulations to the Co-GSoCer Sushant Raikar, all the best to you too.
I have already started work and currently my focus is to get accustomed to
TeX4ht. To start with I am fixing issues with some styles one by one. My
mid-term milestone
is to have Lyx to ODT conversion working for the decided feature set. After
tuning the export to ODT as per the requirements next thing to do would be
to replace the last step of TeX4ht with a Lua module in LuaTeX which
relies on the same *.4ht files. In the last step TeX4ht processes the DVI
file which has special instructions to complete the conversion. A package
needs to be written in Lua which has full access to the nodes created by
LuaTeX and loads tex4ht.sty to have access to the *.4ht files. This needs
to be done because TeX4ht doesnât support fonts without a tfm table,which
means that opentype and truetype fonts used by fontspec cannot be used.
After completing this part I will work on prototyping the reverse
This is the brief overview of my project and I will definitely seek your
help,advice and suggestions for all the difficulties that arise on the
course of completing this project.
Looking forward for an exciting Summer!!
Thanks and Regards
Prannoy Pilligundla
I am Prannoy Pilligundla, a second year undergrad from India. I will be
working on Roundtrip Conversion from Lyx to ODT throughout the Summer as a
part of Google Summer of Code 2014. First of all I want to thank the
community for keeping faith in my abilities and selecting my proposal, I
will definitely put in my best efforts to complete this project. Also
Congratulations to the Co-GSoCer Sushant Raikar, all the best to you too.
I have already started work and currently my focus is to get accustomed to
TeX4ht. To start with I am fixing issues with some styles one by one. My
mid-term milestone
is to have Lyx to ODT conversion working for the decided feature set. After
tuning the export to ODT as per the requirements next thing to do would be
to replace the last step of TeX4ht with a Lua module in LuaTeX which
relies on the same *.4ht files. In the last step TeX4ht processes the DVI
file which has special instructions to complete the conversion. A package
needs to be written in Lua which has full access to the nodes created by
LuaTeX and loads tex4ht.sty to have access to the *.4ht files. This needs
to be done because TeX4ht doesnât support fonts without a tfm table,which
means that opentype and truetype fonts used by fontspec cannot be used.
After completing this part I will work on prototyping the reverse
This is the brief overview of my project and I will definitely seek your
help,advice and suggestions for all the difficulties that arise on the
course of completing this project.
Looking forward for an exciting Summer!!
Thanks and Regards
Prannoy Pilligundla