Uwe Stöhr
2014-04-03 21:49:36 UTC
Dear LyX developers,
as I don't understand what is nowadays going with LyX I trigger a discussion.
My point of view:
- LyX 2.1 is THE chance to advertise LyX since a while.
- For an unknown reason an RC had to be released before the docs were ready while I requested 2 more
weeks. But an undocumented feature is an unknown/unused and therefore untested. The goal is to have
a stable release therefore it is important that all features are tested. I am not confident with
that but accepted it.
- I requested that everybody had a look at
to list all new features and to add some images to beautify the page. But except of Jürgen, nobody
did anything. While stepping through the docs I found 3 features that where not on that page and one
feature that was removed. That is unsatisfying. This page is our main advertising place as far as I see.
- There are more people testing an RC release than a Beta release so there should be enough time
between the first RC and the final one. Less than 2 weeks is not enough. For example it will not be
enough time for the translators. If we want to keep as many people active as possible we should take
the necessary time so have their work in.
- To assure a stable as possible release it is important to get as many feedback as possible and
time to fix the things that were reported. It should also be considered to release as many RCs as
possible. That is why I sent out a mail more than 30 persons with request to test LyX 2.1RC1. It
took a while until I got the first feedback mails (this Tuesday). So obviously people need their time.
- We don't have a plan yet how to advertise LyX and when. In the past I sent out mails to
contributing editors of computer magazines, to student groups at universities etc.. What are the
plans for LyX 2.1? We should synchronize our actions. Sending a mail to press people will only make
sense right after the release. We know that many of use won't have time around Easter (the same is
for press people) so we should consider to wait until Easter, I mean LyX 2.1 is our chance and we
should not let it go!
- When a problem occurs that deserves a test build, trust the maintainer of a platform that he knows
what he is doing. Feedback is the most important point in the RC period and never harms!
- Formalism doesn't help us. The user don't care about formalism, but only if the program is stable.
- Even today I got 2 feedback mails that the float counter does not work in RC1. We should therefore
consider to release an RC2 because that would uncover further issues. Testers are happy to get a new
version test further than to continue testing with a version that has an annoying bug. And more
important, maybe we have other uninitialized variable bugs and these can cause very strange things
as we have seen.
- We should not release LyX this weekend. We need more time for user feedback and if possible an
RC2. Also the translators need more time. After 3 years of development there is no reason not to
wait e.g. another 2 weeks.
- We should discuss our strategy, time frames etc. It is not OK that we have a single release
manager who decides alone. If we are a community we should vote about the main things like release
dates, pre-releases, advertising activities.
- As nowadays we become more formalistic, well then we should vote about some rules and store them
somewhere. E.g. the German Wikipedia has a lot of rules. this is controversial but they are the
result of a fair vote and discussion and they can be changed any time by a new vote. Personally, I
don't like formalism and many rules, but obviously others do. Then we should be that consequent to
do it right to avoid the much stress we now have. It is not OK that a few say this is now a rule and
some say "+1" or so.
I would like to hear your opinions and hope that we can do some decisions.
thanks and best regards
as I don't understand what is nowadays going with LyX I trigger a discussion.
My point of view:
- LyX 2.1 is THE chance to advertise LyX since a while.
- For an unknown reason an RC had to be released before the docs were ready while I requested 2 more
weeks. But an undocumented feature is an unknown/unused and therefore untested. The goal is to have
a stable release therefore it is important that all features are tested. I am not confident with
that but accepted it.
- I requested that everybody had a look at
to list all new features and to add some images to beautify the page. But except of Jürgen, nobody
did anything. While stepping through the docs I found 3 features that where not on that page and one
feature that was removed. That is unsatisfying. This page is our main advertising place as far as I see.
- There are more people testing an RC release than a Beta release so there should be enough time
between the first RC and the final one. Less than 2 weeks is not enough. For example it will not be
enough time for the translators. If we want to keep as many people active as possible we should take
the necessary time so have their work in.
- To assure a stable as possible release it is important to get as many feedback as possible and
time to fix the things that were reported. It should also be considered to release as many RCs as
possible. That is why I sent out a mail more than 30 persons with request to test LyX 2.1RC1. It
took a while until I got the first feedback mails (this Tuesday). So obviously people need their time.
- We don't have a plan yet how to advertise LyX and when. In the past I sent out mails to
contributing editors of computer magazines, to student groups at universities etc.. What are the
plans for LyX 2.1? We should synchronize our actions. Sending a mail to press people will only make
sense right after the release. We know that many of use won't have time around Easter (the same is
for press people) so we should consider to wait until Easter, I mean LyX 2.1 is our chance and we
should not let it go!
- When a problem occurs that deserves a test build, trust the maintainer of a platform that he knows
what he is doing. Feedback is the most important point in the RC period and never harms!
- Formalism doesn't help us. The user don't care about formalism, but only if the program is stable.
- Even today I got 2 feedback mails that the float counter does not work in RC1. We should therefore
consider to release an RC2 because that would uncover further issues. Testers are happy to get a new
version test further than to continue testing with a version that has an annoying bug. And more
important, maybe we have other uninitialized variable bugs and these can cause very strange things
as we have seen.
- We should not release LyX this weekend. We need more time for user feedback and if possible an
RC2. Also the translators need more time. After 3 years of development there is no reason not to
wait e.g. another 2 weeks.
- We should discuss our strategy, time frames etc. It is not OK that we have a single release
manager who decides alone. If we are a community we should vote about the main things like release
dates, pre-releases, advertising activities.
- As nowadays we become more formalistic, well then we should vote about some rules and store them
somewhere. E.g. the German Wikipedia has a lot of rules. this is controversial but they are the
result of a fair vote and discussion and they can be changed any time by a new vote. Personally, I
don't like formalism and many rules, but obviously others do. Then we should be that consequent to
do it right to avoid the much stress we now have. It is not OK that a few say this is now a rule and
some say "+1" or so.
I would like to hear your opinions and hope that we can do some decisions.
thanks and best regards