Anybody Wanna Own Some Bugs?
Richard Heck
2014-04-19 17:22:14 UTC
Abdel has asked to be removed as default owner for the dialog and
frontend-qt4 bugs, and I've also removed him as default owner of the
file and menu bugs. Would anyone like to replace him? The only thing
this really means is that you get an email when a bug in that category
has been filed, so you can do some initial triage.

While we're at it, the current list of compoments and owners is below.
Let me know if there are any other changes you think would be appropriate.



BiDi Support spitz
build lasgouttes
changes vfr
citation rgheck
compare vfr
configure lasgouttes
converters rgheck
cursor lasgouttes
dialogs nobody
docbook export jamatos
documentation uwestoehr
external jrioux
file rgheck
font lasgouttes
frontend-qt4 nobody
general lasgouttes
insetgraphics uwestoehr
insets rgheck
insettext lasgouttes
keyboard lasgouttes
latex export lasgouttes
layout rgheck
literate lasgouttes
lyx2lyx rgheck
lyxfunc rgheck
lyxserver lasgouttes
lyxtext rgheck
master/child spitz
mathed spitz
menus nobody
minibuffer rgheck
outliner rgheck
painter lasgouttes
pdf sanda
preview-latex lasgouttes
search tommaso
selection lasgouttes
shortcuts uwestoehr
spell stwitt
tabular skostysh
tex2lyx lasgouttes
translations uwestoehr
undo/redo lasgouttes
version control sanda
website chr
windows-installer uwestoehr
xhtml export rgheck
Abdelrazak Younes
2014-04-19 17:56:35 UTC
Post by Richard Heck
Abdel has asked to be removed as default owner for the dialog and
frontend-qt4 bugs, and I've also removed him as default owner of the
file and menu bugs. Would anyone like to replace him? The only thing
this really means is that you get an email when a bug in that category
has been filed, so you can do some initial triage.
While we're at it, the current list of compoments and owners is below.
Let me know if there are any other changes you think would be
Some suggestions below... in general, too many components and sometime
not clear keyword for the user.
Post by Richard Heck
BiDi Support spitz
build lasgouttes
Split between autoconf (lasgouttes) and cmake (Kornel)
Post by Richard Heck
changes vfr
Rename to track-change
Post by Richard Heck
citation rgheck
Split between "citation&reference" (rgheck) and bibliography (Jürgen)
Post by Richard Heck
compare vfr
Merge with "Track-Change"
Post by Richard Heck
configure lasgouttes
Rename to "configure.py" to avoid confusion with autoconf
Post by Richard Heck
converters rgheck
cursor lasgouttes
dialogs nobody
docbook export jamatos
documentation uwestoehr
external jrioux
Rename to "External Inset"?
Post by Richard Heck
file rgheck
File Management ?
Post by Richard Heck
font lasgouttes
frontend-qt4 nobody
Merge with "dialogs". Some items in there are related to scrolling and
editing performance, I would move to a new "Editing" component.
Post by Richard Heck
general lasgouttes
insetgraphics uwestoehr
Post by Richard Heck
insets rgheck
insettext lasgouttes
Post by Richard Heck
keyboard lasgouttes
latex export lasgouttes
layout rgheck
literate lasgouttes
Literate Programming
Post by Richard Heck
lyx2lyx rgheck
lyxfunc rgheck
lyxserver lasgouttes
lyxtext rgheck
Post by Richard Heck
master/child spitz
Multipart Document
Post by Richard Heck
mathed spitz
"Math Editing"
Post by Richard Heck
menus nobody
minibuffer rgheck
outliner rgheck
painter lasgouttes
Merge with new "Editing components"
Post by Richard Heck
pdf sanda
Export PDF
Post by Richard Heck
preview-latex lasgouttes
search tommaso
selection lasgouttes
shortcuts uwestoehr
Merge with Dialogs
Post by Richard Heck
spell stwitt
Spell Checking
Post by Richard Heck
tabular skostysh
Table Editing
Post by Richard Heck
tex2lyx lasgouttes
translations uwestoehr
undo/redo lasgouttes
Post by Richard Heck
version control sanda
website chr
windows-installer uwestoehr
xhtml export rgheck
Pavel Sanda
2014-04-19 18:13:17 UTC
Post by Abdelrazak Younes
Post by Richard Heck
undo/redo lasgouttes
I think this one should remain. P
Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-22 07:46:49 UTC
Post by Richard Heck
Abdel has asked to be removed as default owner for the dialog and
frontend-qt4 bugs, and I've also removed him as default owner of the file
and menu bugs. Would anyone like to replace him? The only thing this really
means is that you get an email when a bug in that category has been filed,
so you can do some initial triage.
While we're at it, the current list of compoments and owners is below.
Let me know if there are any other changes you think would be appropriate.
I have signed for the frontend and dialog components now. I think I am not
the best choice for mathed and a very bad choice for bidi, so if someone
more knowledgeable want to take those, please do.

Post by Richard Heck
BiDi Support spitz
build lasgouttes
changes vfr
citation rgheck
compare vfr
configure lasgouttes
converters rgheck
cursor lasgouttes
dialogs nobody
docbook export jamatos
documentation uwestoehr
external jrioux
file rgheck
font lasgouttes
frontend-qt4 nobody
general lasgouttes
insetgraphics uwestoehr
insets rgheck
insettext lasgouttes
keyboard lasgouttes
latex export lasgouttes
layout rgheck
literate lasgouttes
lyx2lyx rgheck
lyxfunc rgheck
lyxserver lasgouttes
lyxtext rgheck
master/child spitz
mathed spitz
menus nobody
minibuffer rgheck
outliner rgheck
painter lasgouttes
pdf sanda
preview-latex lasgouttes
search tommaso
selection lasgouttes
shortcuts uwestoehr
spell stwitt
tabular skostysh
tex2lyx lasgouttes
translations uwestoehr
undo/redo lasgouttes
version control sanda
website chr
windows-installer uwestoehr
xhtml export rgheck
Vincent van Ravesteijn
2014-04-23 22:29:52 UTC
Post by Jürgen Spitzmüller
Post by Richard Heck
Abdel has asked to be removed as default owner for the dialog and
frontend-qt4 bugs, and I've also removed him as default owner of the file
and menu bugs. Would anyone like to replace him? The only thing this really
means is that you get an email when a bug in that category has been filed,
so you can do some initial triage.
Post by Jürgen Spitzmüller
Post by Richard Heck
While we're at it, the current list of compoments and owners is below.
Let me know if there are any other changes you think would be
Post by Jürgen Spitzmüller
I have signed for the frontend and dialog components now. I think I am
not the best choice for mathed and a very bad choice for bidi, so if
someone more knowledgeable want to take those, please do.
You could sign me up for those two. However, I'm not sure what it means to
be the ticket owner.

Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-25 08:27:33 UTC
Post by Vincent van Ravesteijn
You could sign me up for those two.
Post by Vincent van Ravesteijn
However, I'm not sure what it means to be the ticket owner.
I think the main purpose is that someone knowledgeable in the respective
area checks the severity of the bug, maybe invites people to fix it or
fixes it himself. Having an owner at least should assure that urgent issues
do not vanish in the dust of trac.

Post by Vincent van Ravesteijn
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