Underlined letter shortcuts management
Jean-Pierre Chrétien
2014-08-26 07:08:13 UTC

While translating the Beamer manual in French, I get a lot of new shortcut
conflicts due to the dynamical menus feature. The new menu items clash with
shortcuts which have been valid with a "common" use of LyX.

I see that a lot of underlined letter shortcuts coexist with "top level
shortcuts". Would it be safe to simply remove all these redundant letter
shortcuts, to free new letters. This could be done in the English po file as
well, in order to remove mismatches when using pocheck.pl.

BTW, where are the top level shortcuts defined ?
Jean-Pierre Chrétien
2014-08-26 07:10:19 UTC
Post by Jean-Pierre Chrétien
BTW, where are the top level shortcuts defined ?
Stupid of me ! In the bind files, I guess.
Jean-Pierre Chrétien
2014-08-27 07:09:00 UTC
Post by Jean-Pierre Chrétien
I see that a lot of underlined letter shortcuts coexist with "top level
shortcuts". Would it be safe to simply remove all these redundant letter
shortcuts, to free new letters?
No way, in French top level shortcuts like Alt+A 1 do not work with French
UI because in the menubar, "View" is translated by "Affichage", so Alt+A
opens the View menu and the next argument "1" is ineffective.

The discussion in Bug #9227 states that this is a Qt bug, which appeared
with 2.1. Here it is already present with, which seems normal I as
both versions are compiled with Qt 4.8.2, which is the version coming with
Debian Wheezy.

What about deconnecting completely top level bindings from underlined letter
bindings by replacing all Alt+letter by Alt+noletter in bind files ?
I know that this will be a great change for those who are accustomed to top
level bindings, it could maybe done in 2.2 ?

Anyway, as far as 2.1 is concerned, I can safely assume that top level
bindings work, so again, why not suppress menu bindings when a top level
binding is present ?
Pavel Sanda
2014-08-29 05:27:38 UTC
Post by Jean-Pierre Chrétien
What about deconnecting completely top level bindings from underlined letter
bindings by replacing all Alt+letter by Alt+noletter in bind files ?
I know that this will be a great change for those who are accustomed to top
level bindings, it could maybe done in 2.2 ?
Does not sound like a good idea. Pavel

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