Master .bib file
Oliver Sargent
2014-06-10 16:19:57 UTC

I am wondering if it is possible to have some kind of Master .bib file
which would (for instance) include all bibtex entries from mathscinet,
the file could be hosted remotely and updated periodically and everyone
could download his or her own copy.

In my opinion this would be a nice feature, I guess for latex in
general, but the advantage of doing it from within Lyx, is that you do
not need to remember the labels of citation since the search function in
the cite dialoge box is very nice (seems roughly equivalent to a search
on mathscinet).

Best wishes

stefano franchi
2014-06-10 16:54:42 UTC
Post by Oliver Sargent
I am wondering if it is possible to have some kind of Master .bib file
which would (for instance) include all bibtex entries from mathscinet, the
file could be hosted remotely and updated periodically and everyone could
download his or her own copy.
In my opinion this would be a nice feature, I guess for latex in general,
but the advantage of doing it from within Lyx, is that you do not need to
remember the labels of citation since the search function in the cite
dialoge box is very nice (seems roughly equivalent to a search on
This sounds more like a job for a bibtex reference manager. Many such
managers (e.g. jabref, bibdesk) allows querying of remote databases and
importing bibtex-format references. The ref(s) can then be pushed to LyX
through the pipe (LyX server) system.

BTW, MathSciNet is not a free service (although it appears as such to most
academic users, since the university picks up the tab). I sincerely doubt
they would allow anyone to download their database (or to upload it to the
cloud). But even if they did, who would then take care of maintaining such
a copy?


Post by Oliver Sargent
Best wishes
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
