Enrico Forestieri
2014-05-16 15:07:53 UTC
commit 95787a0a4c3f6c037b22cb4ba8c98f2e8fa988de
Date: Fri May 16 15:11:08 2014 +0200
Fix an on-screen representation glitch.
If a layout has NextNoIndent set to true, the following paragraph
is not indented on screen. LyX checks the previous layout for that
style parameter to decide whether to indent or not. Of course,
what matters is the latex output and the on-screen representation
should match this output. Now, when a layout has NextNoIndent==true,
the latex output is correctly not indented, while the on-screen
representation may fail to match this output. This can occur when,
for example, a standard paragraph is nested in the previous layout,
because LyX would check the property of the nested layout instead
of the container layout. Thus, LyX should check the property of a
previous layout at the same depth for correctly deciding whether
a paragraph has to be indented or not.
See also http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9055#comment:12 for an
example document where the previous scenario actually occurs.
Richard, this could go to branch. It's only cosmetic, though.Date: Fri May 16 15:11:08 2014 +0200
Fix an on-screen representation glitch.
If a layout has NextNoIndent set to true, the following paragraph
is not indented on screen. LyX checks the previous layout for that
style parameter to decide whether to indent or not. Of course,
what matters is the latex output and the on-screen representation
should match this output. Now, when a layout has NextNoIndent==true,
the latex output is correctly not indented, while the on-screen
representation may fail to match this output. This can occur when,
for example, a standard paragraph is nested in the previous layout,
because LyX would check the property of the nested layout instead
of the container layout. Thus, LyX should check the property of a
previous layout at the same depth for correctly deciding whether
a paragraph has to be indented or not.
See also http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9055#comment:12 for an
example document where the previous scenario actually occurs.
diff --git a/src/TextMetrics.cpp b/src/TextMetrics.cpp
index 790d706..0be9058 100644
--- a/src/TextMetrics.cpp
+++ b/src/TextMetrics.cpp
@@ -1907,12 +1907,13 @@ int TextMetrics::leftMargin(int max_width,
- // This happens after sections in standard classes. The 1.3.x
- // code compared depths too, but it does not seem necessary
- // (JMarc)
- if (tclass.isDefaultLayout(par.layout())
- && pit > 0 && pars[pit - 1].layout().nextnoindent)
- parindent.erase();
+ // This happens after sections or environments in standard classes.
+ // We have to check the previous layout at same depth.
+ if (tclass.isDefaultLayout(par.layout()) && pit > 0) {
+ pit_type prev = text_->depthHook(pit, par.getDepth());
+ if (pars[prev < pit ? prev : pit - 1].layout().nextnoindent)
+ parindent.erase();
+ }
FontInfo const labelfont = text_->labelFont(par);
FontMetrics const & labelfont_metrics = theFontMetrics(labelfont);
index 790d706..0be9058 100644
--- a/src/TextMetrics.cpp
+++ b/src/TextMetrics.cpp
@@ -1907,12 +1907,13 @@ int TextMetrics::leftMargin(int max_width,
- // This happens after sections in standard classes. The 1.3.x
- // code compared depths too, but it does not seem necessary
- // (JMarc)
- if (tclass.isDefaultLayout(par.layout())
- && pit > 0 && pars[pit - 1].layout().nextnoindent)
- parindent.erase();
+ // This happens after sections or environments in standard classes.
+ // We have to check the previous layout at same depth.
+ if (tclass.isDefaultLayout(par.layout()) && pit > 0) {
+ pit_type prev = text_->depthHook(pit, par.getDepth());
+ if (pars[prev < pit ? prev : pit - 1].layout().nextnoindent)
+ parindent.erase();
+ }
FontInfo const labelfont = text_->labelFont(par);
FontMetrics const & labelfont_metrics = theFontMetrics(labelfont);