Georg Baum
2014-04-25 21:05:16 UTC
I am sorry that this comes so late, but I found severe problems in lyx2lyx
which occur for 2.1 => 2.0 conversion while testing my fix for bug #9069.
If you do the roundtrip 2.0 => 2.1 => 2.0 for the 2.0.8 user guide, you get
a document with invalid header settings and data loss where argument and
index insets are mixed. I fixed these two problems at and
What to do now? These fixes as well as and should go to 2.1.1.
Richard, is this OK?
I also think that the final 2.0.x release should have them. I know that
this would create much additional work, since 2.0.8 is already tagged and
packaged (and therefore can't be changed anymore), but I don't think that
it is acceptable to tell people that it can read 2.1 files if in fact
these files will not be converted correctly in most cases.
The question is of course how to avoid such bugs in the future, and I
believe that we need automated lyx2lyx roundtrip tests: Such tests would
have found the problems.
which occur for 2.1 => 2.0 conversion while testing my fix for bug #9069.
If you do the roundtrip 2.0 => 2.1 => 2.0 for the 2.0.8 user guide, you get
a document with invalid header settings and data loss where argument and
index insets are mixed. I fixed these two problems at and
What to do now? These fixes as well as and should go to 2.1.1.
Richard, is this OK?
I also think that the final 2.0.x release should have them. I know that
this would create much additional work, since 2.0.8 is already tagged and
packaged (and therefore can't be changed anymore), but I don't think that
it is acceptable to tell people that it can read 2.1 files if in fact
these files will not be converted correctly in most cases.
The question is of course how to avoid such bugs in the future, and I
believe that we need automated lyx2lyx roundtrip tests: Such tests would
have found the problems.