Post by Richard HeckThe source tarballs for LyX are again at
Post by Richard Heck Please prepare binaries. I'd like to
release as soon as possible, as 2.0.x users have been asking about 2.0.8
for a while now.
two issues on
1. I had to check out the sources from the git repo, the link you gave
seems to be empty.
2. Configuration fails on the automake version. I have 1.14.1 installed,
and claims LyX only supports versions up to 1.13. Editing the file to accept 1.14 seems to fix the problem, though. Unless
there are issues with automake I am unaware of.
I'd like to prepare a source package for Archlinux for those wishing to
stick with the 2.0/.x branch for a while (Arch's LyX support jumped from
2.0.7 directly to 2.1).
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA