Error: Could not read layout file for textclass "emulateapj"
klaus lang
2014-10-16 19:40:19 UTC
please help me out, I cannot open so many files in Lyx because there is
no layout file for "emulateapj".
Can you please provide one or do you have another solution I tried to
write my own layout file, but failed, in no forum I got an answer.
Kind regards from Germany
Klaus Lang
Richard Heck
2014-10-17 16:23:31 UTC
Post by klaus lang
please help me out, I cannot open so many files in Lyx because there
is no layout file for "emulateapj".
Can you please provide one or do you have another solution I tried to
write my own layout file, but failed, in no forum I got an answer.
This seems to be based upon revtex4. So for a first approximation to a
layout file you could: (i) copy revtex4.layout to your local layout
directory and then (ii) change the second line to:

# \DelcareLaTeXClass[emulateapj,natbib.sty,revsymb.sty]{Emulate AJP}

Then reconfigure LyX. This will not get you all the functionality, but
it will likely get you a lot of it, and you can make changes and
additions as need be.

If you run into problems, ask on lyx-users.

