Post by Scott KostyshakDo you mean dragging a .lyx file from the Windows file browser to an
open instance of LyX? I can do that on Ubuntu without problems.
Post by Scott KostyshakAlso, what do you mean by "does not work"? Do you get an error?
Basically I cannot drop the file. As I drag a file over an open instance of
LyX, the cursor becomes "not allowed (
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one instead of the usual one with plus symbol, and if I drop the file,
nothing happens.
Were you using Windows 8 when you were using 2.0.7 or did you upgrade your
Post by Scott KostyshakWindows version as well?
No the same windows. I just tried this in another machine, and in LyX
Version 2.1.0rc1 the drag and drop works. But now I uninstalled 2.1.0rc1
and install the 2.1.0, it stopped working.
Also, AutoHotkey stopped working with new LyX 2.1.0 either .. (custom
hotkeys and stuff).