#9157: Equation Number Problem
Shawn ODonoghue
2014-06-09 15:07:36 UTC
Thank you for the quick response.

Everything worked as you described.

#9157: Equation Number Problem
Reporter: sodonogh | Owner: lasgouttes
Type: defect | Status: new
Component: general | Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: equation number |
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for the report. I think the problem is that you are using instant
preview (to check, go to Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > Display and
see if Instant Preview is set to "On"). To turn this off, change it to
"Off" or "No math". As to why instant preview leads to this behavior, it's
because each math chunk is rendered independently. So they are all
equation 1.
Ticket URL: <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9157#comment:1>
The LyX Project <http://www.lyx.org/>
LyX -- The Document Processor
2014-06-10 01:09:54 UTC
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
Thank you for the quick response.
Everything worked as you described.
#9157: Equation Number Problem
Reporter: sodonogh | Owner: lasgouttes
Type: defect | Status: new
Component: general | Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: equation number |
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for the report. I think the problem is that you are using instant
preview (to check, go to Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > Display and
see if Instant Preview is set to "On"). To turn this off, change it to
"Off" or "No math". As to why instant preview leads to this behavior, it's
because each math chunk is rendered independently. So they are all
equation 1.
Ticket URL: <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9157#comment:1>
The LyX Project <http://www.lyx.org/>
LyX -- The Document Processor
I don't mean to butt in here but why was this ticket closed? The problem remains, that is, equation numbering in instant preview mode does not work.

Scott Kostyshak
2014-06-10 01:50:17 UTC
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
Thank you for the quick response.
Everything worked as you described.
#9157: Equation Number Problem
Reporter: sodonogh | Owner: lasgouttes
Type: defect | Status: new
Component: general | Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: equation number |
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for the report. I think the problem is that you are using instant
preview (to check, go to Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > Display and
see if Instant Preview is set to "On"). To turn this off, change it to
"Off" or "No math". As to why instant preview leads to this behavior, it's
because each math chunk is rendered independently. So they are all
equation 1.
Ticket URL: <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9157#comment:1>
The LyX Project <http://www.lyx.org/>
LyX -- The Document Processor
Hi Jerry,
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
I don't mean to butt in here
Feedback is always welcome! Please butt in wherever you think fit :)
But please if it it's feedback regarding an issue on trac, post any
relevant information there. Otherwise important information sent
through emails will be lost when one looks at the issue.
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
but why was this ticket closed? The problem
remains, that is, equation numbering in instant preview mode does not work.
I'll update the bug report. It's a duplicate of another bug. I didn't
want to take time to find the bug it's a duplicate of and I got the
feeling that the OP viewed the problem as solved. In other words, I
was lazy. Thanks for keeping me in check.

2014-06-10 02:50:25 UTC
Post by Scott Kostyshak
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
Thank you for the quick response.
Everything worked as you described.
#9157: Equation Number Problem
Reporter: sodonogh | Owner: lasgouttes
Type: defect | Status: new
Component: general | Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: equation number |
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for the report. I think the problem is that you are using instant
preview (to check, go to Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > Display and
see if Instant Preview is set to "On"). To turn this off, change it to
"Off" or "No math". As to why instant preview leads to this behavior, it's
because each math chunk is rendered independently. So they are all
equation 1.
Ticket URL: <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9157#comment:1>
The LyX Project <http://www.lyx.org/>
LyX -- The Document Processor
Hi Jerry,
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
I don't mean to butt in here
Feedback is always welcome! Please butt in wherever you think fit :)
But please if it it's feedback regarding an issue on trac, post any
relevant information there. Otherwise important information sent
through emails will be lost when one looks at the issue.
Of course. It was just me being lazy.
Post by Scott Kostyshak
Post by Shawn ODonoghue
but why was this ticket closed? The problem
remains, that is, equation numbering in instant preview mode does not work.
I'll update the bug report. It's a duplicate of another bug. I didn't
want to take time to find the bug it's a duplicate of and I got the
feeling that the OP viewed the problem as solved. In other words, I
was lazy. Thanks for keeping me in check.
OK. Thanks.
Post by Scott Kostyshak
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