Move cursor to next subsection/section/chapter ?
Scott Kostyshak
2014-05-07 22:26:41 UTC
Are there LFUNs that deal with moving the cursor to the next
There are LFUNs for moving groups (LFUN_OUTLINE_DOWN,
but I would often like to navigate among them without opening the
outline and clicking. The only thing I see is LFUN_PARAGRAPH_GOTO,
which is what the outline does when you click on an item. But it
doesn't seem fit for higher-level use.
Right now I am thinking that a nice LFUN would be LFUN_LAYOUT_NEXT. If
your cursor is positioned in a subsection, it will move your cursor to
the beginning of the next subsection. If it is positioned in a
section, it will move it to the beginning of the next section. (and
same for "Frame", "Theorem", or any other layout).
This sounds like a great idea!
Does anyone have more comments before I take a look at this?
Any suggestions on implementation? Should I just loop through the
layouts starting from where the cursor is until I find one that is the
same as the current one?
Any thoughts on a default shortcut for this? I was thinking of ctrl+*
for next and ctrl+# for previous. This is inspired by Vim, where *
goes to the next match of whatever word is under the cursor and # the

Any advice would be appreciated.

