IEEEeqnarray module
2014-08-18 19:18:22 UTC

I have am using IEEEtran class for an article.
I have lots of equations to enter, so I was looking for a
short cut similar to Insert>Math>Display Formula,
but that will give the IEEEeqnarray environment.

I read in the documentation that I can create a custom layout to do this.
I found examples of how to do this for text layouts (e.g. making text bold, etc)
but not for creating and using math environments.

Ideally, I would be able to select a menu option
(e.g. from the Styles menu) and the IEEEeqnarray
comes up. Here I can enter the equations.
In the backend, the code created would be something like:

a&=&b+c \\
&=&d+e+f+g+h + i + j + k \nonumber\\
&& +\> l + m + n + o \\

Could someone please help me out?

I am using LyX 2.1.0.

